Share the Joy

Providing funds and scholarships that make City Parks & Recreation accessible to everybody in Elgin, IL.

Pass the Ball

Providing funds and scholarships that make City Parks & Recreation accessible to everybody in Elgin, IL.

Share the Joy

Providing funds and scholarships that make City Parks & Recreation accessible to everybody in Elgin, IL.

Pass the Ball

Providing funds and scholarships that make City Parks & Recreation accessible to everybody in Elgin, IL.

The Elgin Parks & Recreation Foundation exists to strengthen our community and enhance the quality of life for its residents by making parks and recreation programs and facilities accessible to all.


There’s always room on the bench

The highest priority of the Elgin Parks & Recreation Foundation is to provide space and opportunities for kids (especially at-risk kids) to be part of something bigger than themselves.

Generosity from donors like you provides the space and opportunity for young people in Elgin to learn, grow, and thrive.


Bolstering Elgin Parks

We also support the good work of the City of Elgin’s Parks & Recreation Department, carrying the ball just a little farther down the field by doing things like:

  • Helping to preserve historic parks

  • Adding extra playground equipment

  • Replacing an old scoreboard

  • Anything that makes Elgin parks look even better than they already do